Michele Cruz
Spaying a female cat is done by many cat owners to stop certain behaviors and prevent pregnancies. If you've scheduled your own cat for this operation, which includes ovary removal, you may expect that your cat will be in need of rest and healing afterwards. In particular, help them with recovery by performing these aftercare actions.
Discuss with Children
Before your cat even returns home, a serious talk must be had with small children about how the cat will feel. Your cat will be very sleepy and unlike themselves at first; they might swipe at or scratch your children if they aren't careful. Talk about keeping the house volume a bit low, and recommend that they don't touch the cat until their wounds are better and they are acting "normal".
Ensure Warmth
Even if your home doesn't feel cold to you, your cat may surprise you by shivering and trembling when you return home. For most cats, these involuntary movements are one way that operation anesthesia works its way through the system. The trembling should stop when the medication totally wears off, but to ensure comfort, provide baby blankets, old t-shirts and your lap as a place for your cat to get and remain warm.
This trembling may also reveal intense pain because of the cutting made to remove their ovaries. Your vet will have explained their pain medication to you, and it should be enough to keep your cat's pain levels down. However, if your cat is still trembling the morning after the procedure, contacting the doctor is wise because there could be a problem.
Steer Other Animals Away
Other cats and dogs may be curious about what's happened, but too much interaction and sniffing could mean pet fighting. The wound could be accidentally opened or your recovering cat could be hurt. Therefore, it may work best to keep the recovering cat in a part of the home that isn't easily reached by other pets. Don't isolate the pet, however; ensure that you're supervising pet interactions to keep them all calm.
Monitor Incision Site
One responsibility you have to your spayed cat is to ensure that their incision site remains healthy. Look for discharge which is green or gray, for example. Watch the area to see if it's swelling or becoming discolored, one sign that infection is happening. If the flesh or fur around the wound feels very hot, that's another sign. If you've got any wound suspicions, call your vet. You can contact companies like Southwest Animal Hospital for more information.
Your spayed cat will be bounding about soon enough. Utilize these suggestions so they're comfortable and recover easily
A few months back, I realized that our kids were really lonely. We knew that we wouldn't be able to have any other children, so we started focusing on what we could do to make a difference. We started exploring the possibility of adopting an animal, and before we knew it, we were bringing home a pet that we knew our kids would love. They were incredibly receptive to the idea of having the little puppy, and after a few days together, I knew that he would become a treasured member of our family. Read more about pet ownership on this blog.