Creating A Great Home For Your Animals

Creating A Great Home For Your Animals

Dogs And Cancer: What To Do If Your Dog Has Been Diagnosed With Lymphoma

Michele Cruz

If your dog was acting out of the ordinary for several weeks, you may have had some concerns and decided to take your pet to the veterinarian to find out what's wrong. Your dog may not have been eating the usual amount of food, running around as usual, or even enjoying the same activities as before. As a loving dog owner, you did what was best for your pet by bringing the animal into the veterinary clinic for an evaluation. However, you may have received some bad news from the veterinarian. If your dog has been diagnosed with lymphoma, you're probably feeling heartbroken and wondering what you can do to help your beloved pet over the next few months.

Understanding Lymphoma

Lymphoma is one of the most common types of cancer found in dogs. Because it's considered a genetic form of cancer that may be passed from a mother or father dog to its puppies, there are some breeds that are often affected a bit more by this disease than others, including German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, and Beagles. There are several stages to this cancer. Catching it as early as possible is important. If it's not detected until the latest stages, treatment may be ineffective.

If your dog has been diagnosed with lymphoma in one of its earliest stages, you may be ready and willing to help your dog put up a fight against this cancer. Unfortunately, if an animal doesn't receive treatment for lymphoma, it will likely pass away within a short period of time. Although this may be frightening, there are different methods of treatment that are often quite effective and may give you the chance to spend more time with your beloved pet instead of losing out on months of happiness and joy.

Selecting the Right Treatment

Different methods of treatment are provided to animals with lymphoma. The exact method followed will depend on several factors, including the exact diagnosis and the condition your dog is currently in. You'll be able to consult with the veterinarian about these treatment methods before selecting an option you feel is suitable for your pet.

One of the most common methods of treatment used is chemotherapy. This method of treatment requires the use of different chemicals designed to target cancerous cells and ultimately destroy them so they'll no longer exist in the body. While many human beings have side effects to chemotherapy, most dogs don't end up experiencing nearly as many negative side effects. Some dogs that are undergoing chemotherapy simply eat a bit less and sleep a bit more than usual.

Aside from chemotherapy, radiation therapy may be recommended. The veterinarian would be able to come up with a customized treatment plan specifically for your dog based on the type of lymphoma and the current stage of the cancer.

Supporting Your Dog During a Tough Time

Fighting the battle with cancer is tough on human beings, but it's tough on animals as well. It may take its toll on your dog from time to time, but there are some things you can do to support your dog while trying to get through this rough patch.

Consider getting a cancer support kit for your pet. The kit would come with different vitamins and essential oils that are beneficial for dogs that are going through cancer. These vitamins and oils may support the immune system while reducing stress and making your pet feel a bit more relaxed. Don't forget to provide some comfort items that will make your dog feel better, such as a comfy pillow, blanket, and a favorite chew toy.

Finding out your pet has lymphoma may have been shocking. It's probably the last thing you were expecting to hear. Now that you have a diagnosis, it's important to talk things over with the veterinarian and come up with a customized treatment plan for your pet. You may be able to help your dog get through this tough time by selecting the right treatment and providing as much support as you can. Visit a site like for more direction with your dog's health. 


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Creating A Great Home For Your Animals

A few months back, I realized that our kids were really lonely. We knew that we wouldn't be able to have any other children, so we started focusing on what we could do to make a difference. We started exploring the possibility of adopting an animal, and before we knew it, we were bringing home a pet that we knew our kids would love. They were incredibly receptive to the idea of having the little puppy, and after a few days together, I knew that he would become a treasured member of our family. Read more about pet ownership on this blog.
